Wednesday 1 June 2011

Step 6: Entirely ready to have Sir Gumpaste remove the defects of character

Poor Sir Gumpaste, I'm putting an awful lot of pressure on a made-up deity.  I hope he recovers.

In any event, I suppose praying to Sir Gumpaste to remove my defects is as effective as praying to anyone else.  Really I think it'll boil down to doing the work myself, finding some sort of serenity while I work.  My art angers me, is that normal?  haha

Last night I delivered cupcakes to Make 1 Yarns in Calgary - they have knit night every Tuesday evening, and the last Tuesday of each month I bring them goodies.  Normally I deliver a cake, but cupcakes seemed like a fun idea, and probably less mess to clean up afterward.  I may do it again, the response was good and it sounds like I've got an order for a birthday cupcake cake out of it.  I'm not a huge fan of cupcake cakes, hopefully it's not the type that's just a bunch of cuppies shoved together and covered with a schmear of icing over them, then decorated to look roughly like the actual shape of something... they're usually awful.  I've seen 2 or 3 that aren't horrible, so we'll see how it goes.

Tonight is lamb burger and greek salad night.  I'm looking forward to it, and then afterward, more of the super secret project will be done.  I almost got caught last night, so hopefully he didn't see it.  It's exciting and stressful at the same time... I'm literally wandering around the kitchen trying not to make any noise so he can't hear me in there... if he thinks I'm on the computer I can sneak in a bit of work :)  Do not underestimate my sneakiness...

A little word here on coffee.  I love coffee.  It needs to be good coffee though - 7 Eleven is not it.  I am currently enjoying a Tim Hortons 'like' blend from work, and I must admit it is delicious.  There is something very zen about that first cup of coffee in the morning.  I don't know that people are only addicted to caffeine, I honestly think there's something in the whole process of taking even just a short moment to enjoy that first sip, letting the aroma and the heat fill your senses - it is bliss.

It's supposed to rain later today, I may be barbequeing in the downpour - I will probably look something like this: good times!

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