Sunday 26 June 2011

Step 9: Ah forget about it, I'm bored with the steps, I'm sure you are too

So the super secret project was hubby's birthday cake.  And here's a look:

It's the Muppets Treasure Island!  I found out that taking a holiday with the person you're secretly trying to make figures for, doesn't always work out so well :(  pout

I got Piggy, Gonzo, Kermy, and Statler & Waldorf for the prow all done, I had wanted more of them, but just ran out of time.  It was good though, Chocolate cake with chocolate swiss meringue buttercream.  yummm  I made planks out of modelling chocolate and used that to cover the entire outside, the cannons were fondant, the figures were gumpaste.

I also made hubby an ice cream cake out of Chapman's no sugar added ice cream - I puree'd a bunch of strawberries, added it to softened vanilla ice cream, layered it with low sugar chocolate oreo cookies, and the vanilla, and froze it in a loaf pan.  He loved it, and it meant he got to eat cake on his birthday, that made me happy :)

This week is another venture into cupcakes - some for the store, and some for work.  I've got a pina colada cuppy in mind, and a chocolate espresso cream - might even do a strawberry one.. not sure.

Here's another shot of the cake, have a good week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog!! Dad reads it too and loves it. Way to go meems.
