Sunday 26 June 2011

Step 8: Make a list of all persons harmed, and make amends with them

Alrighty then, so here we go:

M's wedding cake, the only time I've had a malfunction with a cake - and just my luck it was her bloody wedding cake.  Le Sigh.  I still beat myself up about this one, hard to let it go.  I did email afterward and offered to return the moola or make a cake for a birthday or something else, never heard back from her though.

Husband:  That poor bastard has to put up with me swearing every time I'm overly tired and my fondant isn't working.  Or when I've been so wrapped up in my art I've forgotten to eat for 9 hours and I'm a bit 'touchy'.  He always sounds a bit trepidatious if things are going well, the kitchen is quiet save for the movie in the background, it's like the calm before the storm I guess.. occasionally things go smoothly and I don't have to pitch a fit :)  He knows I'm working on my anger toward the art, and I make things up to him in other ways.

Like making dinner or doing the laundry pervs... knock it off *wink*

Roommate: The poor bugger doesn't know how to deal with me when I'm pissy.  He thought I was this calm, mild-mannered person when he moved out here, little did he know.  hehe  I make sure he gets part of the goodies if there are leftovers though, so I make amends that way.

Other than that, I think we're good.

And on to other things.  The office is packing up and moving... or should I say a few of us are packing the office, the rest are packing up their cubicles.  I get to deal with a lot of it, but that's part of my job so I'm trying to take it in stride.

I'm considering entering my latest cross stitch into the Calgary Stampede arts competition.  There is the issue of size, you can't enter anything larger than 120" in perimeter... I forgot to measure it last night, so if it's bigger the point is moot.  I have 1 more sheet of pattern to finish, just the bottom corner, and it would be a good incentive to get it done - having a bit of drag happening with the ambition on that front.

They also have a cake decorating competition.. so I'll be looking into that as well.  Could be a busy weekend :)  yay!

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